Most people spend a lot of time and effort on their beauty transformation but there are also instances when efforts seem to be not enough.
Have you been dealing with disappointments because of a beauty routine that fails? Are you unhappy with the beauty products that you are using? Think you can use the advice of a beauty expert?
Nowadays, beauty transformation could just be a click away with the help of beauty gurus — but only if you know the experts who can give the most reliable beauty advice.
You should be aware that too much information from the Internet could also mean getting too much resources that may overwhelm you — and sadly, they include tips and ideas from unreliable and self-proclaimed beauty gurus.
Certainly, successful beauty transformation at this age could be as simple as knowing the experts that can share the best ideas and do great wonders on your makeover!
Do you want honest to goodness beauty tips from the most trusted online beauty gurus? Are you in search of the best beauty rituals that really work?
We want to be instrumental on your successful beauty transformation. Here’s an article that acquaints you with today’s credible and most sought after beauty gurus, plus some of the best ideas that can help you on your beauty makeover.

Beauty gurus became the most sought after personalities from where one can seek professional and useful beauty tips. Here are some facts to know the characteristics that define them, as well as the requirements to become one.
According to Merriam Webster, a beauty guru is defined as a beauty teacher, make-up artist, or any person that can teach about beauty.
Beauty gurus are getting a lot of attention as evidenced by the millions of people that follow them. But if you think that their share of the spotlight on the Internet was achieved overnight, you’re wrong. Their success is a combination of several factors that helped them claim their status as recognised beauty experts, online. Here are some factors that sum up their secrets to becoming an online beauty guru sensation.
- Consistency – One of the most important factors to YouTube success is consistency. This involves frequent upload of tutorials that will engage web users and help build a community.
- Right choice of content – To become an online sensation, it is very important to know what your target audience wants. You have to create content that offers information that is interesting enough for web users to click on it.
- Professional knowledge and skills – Successful beauty gurus show great prowess on makeup application. They have mastered skills to teach ideas that can solve the most common concerns on makeup application and present them in a simple and easy to follow manner. Oftentimes, they also know the best products that work according to what a person requires.
The Internet is filled with beauty gurus offering awesome ideas that promise great transformation. But wouldn’t it be twice as awesome if you will be able to identify beauty gurus that don’t just share their knowledge and expertise but also promote the use of safe and natural beauty products?
Here we present some of the beauty gurus that encourage transformation through natural and organic beauty solutions:

- Holistic Habits is one of the most interesting YouTube channels that mainly focus on a holistic lifestyle. It covers green beauty ideas including makeup, haircare, and even hydrosols. One of things that contributes to her successful stint over the Internet is a great onscreen presence which makes her fun and interesting to watch.
- Joyous Health showcases natural beauty videos from the perspective of a holistic nutritionist. The focus of this beauty channel is mainly on diet and nutrition, but also discusses topics that cover makeup, skincare, and haircare.
- L’amour et la Musique is one of the most popular green beauty channels that mainly focuses on makeup, but also touches on relevant topics such as skincare and holistic lifestyle. She is very candid in discussing why she uses certain products. She also has a smart and direct style making her an interesting personality to watch.
- Teri Miyahara is one of the beauty vloggers that focus on natural and cruelty-free beauty solutions. She is very vocal in sharing her opinions and provides thorough reviews of products, as well as direct comparisons to products she has tried. Her honest-to-goodness insights make her one of the most reliable and sought after beauty gurus on YouTube.
- Life as Diana: Here’s a channel that can offer useful information and ideas especially for those who are just getting acquainted with organic beauty products. Here, you’ll get insightful reviews and offers advice on great products, as well as the not so good ones.
- PolitelyPure: PolitelyPure is the channel to go if you want to know more about pure makeup, skincare and beauty products that are safe to use, you’ll never feel guilty using them.
- SunKissAlba: This is one of the beauty vloggers that you’d love to check as it features videos about organic products and purely natural makeup routines!
- Fleur De Force: Here’s another British blogger that became a global phenomenon with an array of international industry awards. Fleur de Force has an approachable style of presentation which made it a favourite among viewers..
Beauty Gurus’ Most Kept Beauty Secrets Revealed
Right now, more people turn to beauty websites to find ideas and advice on makeup and skincare. Beauty gurus managed to state their authority in these areas and they became the trustworthy resources when it comes to using new products and finding new and exciting ideas that are worth the try.
Here, we’ve summarised some of the best natural beauty secrets from the most trusted beauty gurus.

- Keep the skin’s youthful glow and stay wrinkle-free by loading up on Vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables.
- Foods that are high in antioxidants are effective in fighting the effects of sun, pollution, and time. While those that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can improve skin’s elasticity. Staying hydrated by drinking a lot of water is also effective in keeping the skin looking at its best.
- Acidity can be counterbalanced by drinking a warm glass of lemon water. For stronger effects, you can have a shot glass of apple cider vinegar as it helps keep the body to alkaline.
- Scrubbing is an important of skin care that can be overlooked easily. Manual exfoliation using a granular scrub can help release dead cells while allowing the skin care products like creams and serums to penetrate.
- Face mist, especially those in either lavender or rose is a great solution for dry skin.
- For dry hair, Morrocan oil is an effective solution that can add moisture to hair because of the argan oil that works as a rich emolient that can moisturise the hair and hydrate it with vitamins A and E.
- Hair is more difficult to manage especially during winter. Flyaways occur due to lack of moisture in the air. Here are some tricks that will work. Use a leave-in conditioner to help resist statics better or spritz hair spray onto a brush then run through hair. You’ll be amazed to know how these tricks work!
- The neck is one of the key spots that should not be taken for granted to maintain a youthful look. It has to be kept toned and firmed to achieve a youthful look.
- Enjoy the sun but stay protected. The sun’s harmful rays can put a toll on your skin and before you know it, you’re ageing faster and it already reflects on your look. Choose products with sun protection formula and make sure that they’ll complement your skin type for the best results.
- Minimise age spots that are already present by exfoliating the skin regularly. This helps stimulate cellular renewal in the epidermis and eliminate the excess melanin in the skin.
Here’s a compilation of natural beauty tips and ideas that will solve some of the most common beauty dilemmas.
For puffy or tired eyes:
“To temporarily tighten the complexion, I place chilled slices of cucumbers on my eyes and cheeks.” – Rivka Rose
On skin cell stimulation:
“To stimulate my skin cells, shrink fluid retention and reduce redness and visible capillaries, I wrap ice in a muslin cloth and roll it all over my face. “It leaves you with a rosy, youthful complexion.” – Sarah Chapman
On staying hydrated:
“It’s essential to drink plenty of water to keep skin hydrated, but I try not to drink from plastic bottles as it causes wrinkles around the mouth. “Use a flask with a cup attached instead.” –
On using oil based cleanser:
“Use an oil-based cleanser that won’t strip away natural oils and massage make-up off with plenty of product. “Apply pressure across (not along) your frown lines – try a zig-zag motion under the eyes when massaging.” – Facialist
On choosing beauty foods:
“Wild salmon is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that moisturise from within for smooth, soft, flexible and glowing skin. I eat two to three servings of wild (not farmed) salmon a week. Avocados are also full of monounsaturated oil, vitamin E and B complex vitamins that repair and protect skin from free radical damage. I eat avocados three to four times a week.” – Nigma Talib
On managing crow’s feet:
“Renowned make-up artist Laura Mercier told me never to put powder in the crow’s feet around my eyes. It just makes wrinkles look bigger.” –
On reducing wrinkles:
“Headstands are great for getting the blood to flow to the face, oxygenating your complexion and helping to remove wrinkle-inducing toxins.” – Esther Fieldgras
On fighting off ageing:
“To fight inflammation and ageing free radicals, I use an antioxidant serum, and to hydrate I drink 1.5 litres of water a day. “I follow my antioxidant serum with a good hyaluronic serum, which can absorb up to 1,000 times its weight in moisture.” – Jill Zander
Pinch Your Skin:
“I pinch my skin to keep it plumped and youthful as pinching stimulates the fat cells under the skin to keep it firm, full and tight.” – Dr Terry Loong

After learning the experts’ opinion on natural beauty care, you can now identify the practices that work from those that do not. At this point, you may realise that you are guilty of wrong beauty regimen and would want to know the beauty rituals that are not effective, yet you can’t remove from your beauty routine.
Here we bust the beauty fails that you may be guilty of and present some of the products that can help you establish a regimen that will aid on your beauty transformation!
No matter how tired you were after a long day, you should never go to bed without cleansing. This habit can cause serious damages on the skin and could even be worse if you are prone to acne. Makeup when left on overnight can cause clogged pores and trap dirt from the day.
Think you’re just too tired to remove your makeup?
Try these safe and easy to use face and eye makeup remover from the most trusted brands of natural and niche beauty products:

- Rouge Bunny Rouge Gentle Cleansing Water
- Brad Biophotonic Universal Cleansing Gel
- Sans [Ceuticals] Goji Facial Cleansing Oil
- Earth Tu Face Face Wash
- RMS Beauty Raw Coconut Cream
Basically, anything that is not done in moderation is not good. If you think that more is better when it comes to exfoliation, you could be in for trouble! Though regular exfoliation can help get rid of dead skin cells, you should be aware that it also makes the skin more vulnerable to sun damage.
Ideally, skin exfoliation should be done 2-3 times per week using products that are safe and natural to ensure that the skin will be free from untoward damages.
Here are some suggestions on what you can use for safe and effective body exfoliation:

- Triumph&Disaster Rock & Roll Suicide Exfoliating Face Scrub
- Brad Biophotonic Ultra Peel
- Kahina Giving Beauty Facial Cleanser
- Dr. Jackson’s Organic Coconut Melt
Just as over exfoliating can cause harm, it also isn’t a good idea to use excessive moisturisers. They can be the best solutions for dry skin but when done excessively, it may result to another skin problem such as break outs. It will also help if you can use natural moisturisers that can offer the best hydration for your skin.
Here, you can check out some of the natural and niche moisturisers that are worth your money:

- Circ-Cell Daily Hydration Broad Spectrum
- Earth Tu Face Hydrate & Repair Face Balm
- Ambuja Charisma Elixir
- Soleil Toujours Daily Moisturiser
- Odacite Oleosomes Time Release Delivery Cream
Are you wondering why it seems like beauty gurus get easy access on the best beauty deals? Do you want to know how you can also acquire the skills to spot the best beauty buys? We’ve got you covered!
Here’s a compilation of some of the most useful advice from experts that will guide you in finding the best beauty buys.
- Before you buy, read the fine print.It is a wise step to scan the label for legit claims. It is best to inspect the product for concentration of active ingredients to know if it is the right product for your skin.
- Look for numbers. Keep in mind that if there’s a sufficient amount, the number will surely be displayed on the label. Checking the numbers is like making sure that you won’t be shortchanged on your beauty buy.
- Make it a habit to look for important words such as ‘exfoliating,’ ‘hydrating’ or ‘mattifying’ to help you find the product that exactly matches what you skin needs.
With the range of beauty products that are available in the market today, it is very easy for you to find yourself hoarding a lot of stuff inside your beauty bag! If you are guilty of this, it’s time to let go and start editing your stash to make way for a more consistent and streamlined beauty routine that can aid on your successful transformation.
Follow these steps to keep your beauty bag clutter-free and more effective.
Most likely, the reason why you are not using a beauty product in your bag is that it’s not suited for you or it is not the one you like best — and clearly, you won’t find the need to use it for long! It is best to take it out or give it to someone who will find better use for it.
To make the best of beauty products, it is ideal to get rid of the ones that are more than a year old. Products like sunscreen have ingredients that can cause skin reactions when already expired. Be conscious of expiration dates and you have to keep in mind that the more naturally derived the formula is, the shorter its shelf life.
It is essential to upgrade your formulas whenever the season changes. Your skin will have different needs as climate change. Make the right beauty products available in your bag, to suit your skin requirements for the season.
Keep in mind that a product doesn’t have to be old to be considered bad or exposed to bacteria. Discoloration, change in texture, strange odor and feel are indications that the product is no longer in its top condition and you have to throw it away.
The PAO symbol can be spotted as a number followed by an M and an open jar symbol. It originated in Europe and any skincare or makeup product sold throughout Europe, even the US based brands got that marking. The PAO symbol helps tell when to throw a product away after opening. The period of opening date shows the letter M that stands for the Latin word for month and the number refers to how many months, the product can be used after being opened.
Beauty gurus have a lot to share that can help establish an effective beauty routine. Keep in mind their ideas and put them into action for a successful beauty transformation!