Alyaka Code

Our Mission
The future of shopping is about making the right choice amongst the variety of offers available on the market. ALYAKA is built on the belief that customers not only want to feel confident in their purchase decisions but also to be %100 sure that theirs purchase fits their personality.

How we select Brands
When it comes to evaluating a brand, we don't make any exceptions to our rules. Even if a brand is in high demand, it will not be added to our range if it does not meet the natural cosmetics requirements. Individual product compositions and formulations are sometimes modified. In these situations, the ingredients are re-evaluated to ensure that natural cosmetic requirements are still met.
As a business, we recognise the negative effect that excessive packaging has on the environment, so we are constantly evaluating our processes and policies to ensure that we are as environmentally friendly as possible. We use %100 recyclable materials unless it's absolutely necessary to add extra protection to the most fragile products.