Natural and Organic Beauty Magazine

Gluten-Free Baking For Optimum Health And Maximum Taste

We hope you’ve been inspired by  of enduring superfoods to help you eat more healthily, while still being allowing you to make create delicious treats that can be served at any number of special occasions.

However, we also know even the most adventurous foodies can be wheat-intolerant or even coeliac, and that if you can’t eat wheat it feels like you are missing out on a culinary plethora of opportunities.

That’s why we’ve gathered a prime selection of superior, delicious, gluten-free superfood recipes that will allow you to enjoy our favourite superfoods at their very best.


Black soy beans are a valuable source of vegetable protein. They’re currently in the gastronomic limelight for their excellent protein-to-fibre ratio, and they actually have more protein than any other bean.  This makes them a perfect basis for high protein, low GI meals that will fill you up and give you energy for longer.

But, did you know that you can also use these little wonders to make scrumptious, improbably nutritious, bite-size wheat-free brownies that are chocolatey, fudgy, sweet and amazingly high in antioxidants and omega 3s?

It gets better – they’re also vegan, and they’re sublimely simple to make. The following recipe makes a dozen in less than half an hour, but by the time your kitchen is filled with their delicious, warm chocolate aroma, we know you’ll already be planning to double up next time.


Keeping it sweet, we thought we should treat you to a gluten-free alternative to that reassuring afternoon tea classic, the lemon and blueberry muffin. We love blueberries because they’re high in fibre and low in calories, yet loaded with vitamin C, Vitamin K, and powerful, health-boosting antioxidants.

These opulent, sumptuous goodies combine blueberries with a vitamin-rich, lemony cream and other nutritious fruity treats like mango and kiwi in a crunchy chilled date and walnut crust. Ditch the coffee and choose one of these beauties for a natural burst of morning energy. This recipe, which can also be adapted for vegans.


Teff is a little grain that is big on iron, high in protein and, unusually for a grain, loaded with Vitamin C. Perhaps best of all, this tiny nutritional superstar is gluten free, making it a great alternative to wheat in cakes and pastries.

You can even use teff flour to make your own gluten free bread. If you’re missing the smell of toast in the morning or fresh, spongy salad sandwiches at lunch, you’ll love this recipe that is raised with yeast but bound using eggs to mimic that unique wheat-bread texture without the gluten. Unlike ordinary bread, it adds extra protein to your meal so will keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer without piling in the pounds.

Do you have a favourite gluten-free recipe that makes the most of a superfood? Why not share your tips and ideas with other healthy gourmets. Here at Alyaka we can’t wait to try them out for ourselves.

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Profile Image Alina Laktina

Alina Laktina

Seniore Beauty Expert and Copywriter
As the co-founder of Alyaka, I combine my MBA-acquired business acumen with a profound expertise in the beauty industry to curate a unique retail experience. My journey in beauty is driven by a passion for sustainable and effective solutions that enhance well-being. I deeply understand the impact of beauty ingredients on both our skin and our environment, which guides Alyaka’s mission to lead in offering conscientious and high-quality beauty options. Beyond my professional endeavors, my love for adventure manifests through snowboarding and yachting, activities that reflect my belief in the importance of living a balanced and enriching life.

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