Dry skin is tough to control, especially during drier weather conditions. Dry skin is essentially dehydrated and sensitive to changing climates. Keeping your skin hydrated is not just about applying creams and lotions, most products are infused with ingredients such as alcohol which prevents long term healing from malnourished skin.
A healthy skin care regimen for dryness is all about nourishing the skin and keeping it protected from external factors. Getting to the root of the problem to your specific dry skin condition will help heal the damaged skin. Dry skin can also occur as a result of certain medications including diuretics, antispasmodics, and antihistamines. Keep your skin from being exposed to harsh chemicals which can further exacerbate the issue. To treat your dry skin condition, consider these natural beauty solutions.

Dry skin sufferers deal with a dull appearance around the mouth and eyes, often experiencing tightness which can chap and crack overtime without treatment. Skin care for dry complexions involves using nourishing gentle moisturizing creams and preferably organic products that soothe the skin. Avoid skincare that strips the skin from natural oils, any product will maintain a soft and supple look.
A great product to relieve tightness is by using a serum such as the ODACITE Hydration Serum Concentrate. Formulated with rich pomegranate oil and rose geraniums to relax the skin ad heal any damaged skin cells. The natural hydration benefits allows to protect against fine lines, wrinkles and dry patches for a youthful glow.

Dry skin care requires delicate pampering, keeping in mind that you’re dealing with a fragile skin texture. With the use of appropriate skin products, that is the first step to really help you improve your skin textures. Dry skin types should avoid using harsh soaps and cleansers to minimize a rough appearance.
While all skin types need a specific cleansing routine, using a hydrating cream cleanser preferably with natural skincare products. We recommend using the MAY LINDSTROM The Blue Cocoon Beauty Balm as a soothing and enriching cleanser to replenish your skin. The nourishing product is formulated with natural ingredients such as carmelia seed oil, myrrh oil, fruit extracts, and lavender oil.

As beneficial it is to use hydrating products during the daytime, a night treatment contains a higher concentration of humectants which are ingredients that hold moisture from the air and keep the skin hydrated for longer duration. Overnight treatments are formulated richer than any other moisturizer and works best throughout the entire night.
When you’re getting ready to sleep, massage a nourishing night cream on your forehead, cheeks, mouth and neck. We recommend using the DR. JACKSON’S 02 Night Skin Cream to rejuvenate, deeply moisturize, and repair your skin to keep it free from any visible damage. It uses pure extracts that work intensively to restore the youthful glow of your skin.