As summer approaches, it's important to take extra care of your skin. Spending time outdoors gardening, swimming, and hiking, as well as simply laying back and soaking up the sun, can take a toll on your skin. The combination of summer's heat and humidity, water, and sunscreen calls for some special care. Deep cleansing followed by lightweight moisture is important now. For those in drier climates or who spend a lot of time in the water, more moisture is key. Beyond physically protecting your skin from the harmful UV rays, there is more you can do to make sure you are protecting your skin at the cellular level from the aging and cancer causing effects of the sun.
As summer approaches, it's important to take extra care of your skin. Spending time outdoors gardening, swimming, and hiking, as well as simply laying back and soaking up the sun, can take a toll on your skin. The combination of summer's heat and humidity, water, and sunscreen calls for some special care. Deep cleansing followed by lightweight moisture is important now. For those in drier climates or who spend a lot of time in the water, more moisture is key. Beyond physically protecting your skin from the harmful UV rays, there is more you can do to make sure you are protecting your skin at the cellular level from the aging and cancer causing effects of the sun.